Friday, August 15, 2008

Meanwhile... back on Htrae...

So let's see. Edwards Sex Scandal? National Enquirer reports, NY Times declines. The Times said it wasn't news because he was no longer a player and they had "finite resources".

Well the Times must have dug up some significant new resources this week because today, in addition to reporting on Edwards (who is still, as far as I know, no longer a player, still engulfed in a tawdry scandal that was still broken by the National Enquirer -- I bring these three things up b/c those were the Times rational for not reporting on it initially) they have also decided to report on the long-awaited discovery of Big Foot.

What are the odds that this is a hoax like that "giant pig" thing a couple of years ago? I'd put it somewhere in the vicinity of 1 in 1.

Honestly, what is wrong with the world when the Enquirer is breaking major political scandals and the Times is breaking the death of Big Foot?

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