Yet another great one from the NY Times. This was in a front-page article on Saturday about the bailout plan. Sorry, I guess that should be Bailout Plan. So long as we're giving the Treasury Secretary $700B to play with and specifically saying there will be no oversight, we should probably capitalize, yes?
At any rate. In the course of giving a thumbnail description of where we are in the crisis, they mention "a mysterious colossus named the American Insurance Group."
Mysterious indeed as its name is actually the American International Group. To know that, of course, you'd have to have some kind of super powers. Well, that or 0.18 seconds and access to Google... Or, you know, just be marginally aware of the past week's biggest news. Whatever.
Honestly, the state of the Times these days is just embarrassing. I know they've been facing cutbacks but is firing all the copy-editors really the way to go?
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