Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One, two, three o'clock... three o'clock rock?

So the Dow took a nosedive right at 3:00 again today. There seems to be a definite pattern of enormous volatility -- usually a price drop -- popping up right at 3:00.

I have no idea what's driving that, just that it's weird.

In other, happy news, I promise to have some more posts soon. I realize I've been light lately.

What can I say, the realization that my blog's readership is up 300% has left me with a bit of performance anxiety...

That said, I've got at least one longish, serious-ish post I'm noodling. And when I get some time to read the NY Times you just know there'll be something to kvetch about. It's the nature of the beast.

1 comment:

Thomas C. Kern said...

Anytime that you post on your blog. You are moving forward. It usually takes me a month to go from an idea to finish post on my blog. Keep going any length in a post is a post.

In Kindness